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Veterinary Surgeons

Buckley House Veterinary Surgery
51 West Street, Hucknall, Nottinghamshire, NG15 7BY United Kingdom
Tel: 0115 9527271
Our Facilities
We are proud to offer our clients and their pets a broad range of services.
Routine Services
* Health Checks
* New Puppies & Kittens
* Breeding
* Ageing Pets
* Inoculations
* Dietry Advice
* Cat spays / Castrations
* Dog spays / Castrations
* Rabbit, Guinea Pig and Exotic spays / Castrations.
* Dental Hygiene
* Blood Tests
Special Services
* Radiography
* Ultrasonography
* Haematology
* Biochemistry
* Orthopaedics
* Abdominal investigations and surgery
* Thoracic investigations and surgery
* TumourInvestigation and assessment
* Cardiology
* Endoscopy (video)
* Mainframe x-ray machine
* Colour ultrasound scanner
* In House Laboratory
* Arthroscopy (Digital Video)
* Joint Replacement
* Exotic and Reptile Surgery
Other Services
We are an orthopaedic referral practice as well as being a first opinion practice.
Passports for Pets
What you need to know…
The “Pet’s Passport” allows you to bring an animal back into Britain after travelling abroad in certain countries. All European countries are covered, plus some colonies.
NB if you visit or travel through any country not on the scheme (the most notable being the USA) your pet will still have to go through quarantine.
In order to obtain a passport your pet will have to go through several preparatory steps:
- A microchip must be implanted. This is done via a simple injection (albeit with a large needle). Most animals find the procedure painless, and no anaesthetic is required. (See our section on microchipping).
- Your pet must be vaccinated against rabies. We recommend two injections, two weeks apart. One injection will confer immunity in the vast majority of animals, but may not produce sufficient antibody to pass the blood test.
- 30 days or more after the SECOND rabies injection your pet will need a blood test to ensure that the rabies vaccination has worked.
- Providing the blood result is ok, a passport is issued. This is valid from six months after the blood test was taken until the next rabies vaccination is due. In the case of the vaccination we use, boosters are required annually for cats and every two years for dogs. NB some countries, notably France, require annual rabies injections for all animals, irrespective of the manufacturer’s recommendation. Providing the rabies injections are kept up to date, a new passport can be issued when each injection is done. If you allow the rabies injections to lapse a fresh blood sample will be needed and a further six-month’s delay will ensue.
- Between 24 and 48 hours before you return to Britain you must have your pet treated against tapeworms and ticks by a vet in the country that you visit. They will give you a certificate to state that this has been done.
- When you return you will have to sign a form stating that your animals have not been outside qualifying countries in the previous six months.
It should be noted that you can only return your pets to Britain via certain named carriers. At present these include Eurostar, most ferry companies and a few airlines operating from Heathrow. It is also worth noting that the passport only covers return to Britain. Some countries have extra requirements (e.g. a ministry health certificate). Most European countries will now accept the passport, or a French language version (which we issue automatically with the English one). Do check with the appropriate Ministry, at least one month before you leave, that no other criteria must be met.
If you have any questions, please call the surgery. There is also a Government helpline number – 0870 2411 710.
News and Info.

The Pet Travel Scheme (PETS) is a system that allows people in the UK to take their dogs, cats and ferrets to other EU countries, and return with them to the UK without quarantine.
More info…